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YIJE Committees

Appeals - Chair: Jon Kramer

Purpose: Coordinate and schedule various annual fundraising appeals

Specifics: Recommend appeal beneficiaries to board of directors; Prepare communications notifying membership in advance of an appeal; Prepare and hand out appeal cards; Tally and report appeal results.


Communications - Chair: Ariella Levine

Purpose: Bring awareness of YIJE events and programs to the membership and community at large

Specifics: Write news releases and distribute with photos to community/media outlets; Place advertisements with media; Submit YIJE events to media and organizational calendars; Create and maintain consistent messaging image across all mediums; Maintain website.


Adult Education - Chairs: Michael Appel & Ora Canter

Purpose: Work with Rabbi Lerner to organize a calender of ongoing, seasonal and educational opportunities.

Specifics: Arrange for guest and internal speakers and scholars who are experts in their field and can enhance the community’s knowledge on a particular subject. Topics can include current events in the Jewish community, shiurim on Tanach, Jewish philosophy etc. Regular programs include seasonal lecture series as well as the Summer Perek on the Lawn series.


Dinner - Chair: Yael Schreiber

Purpose: Plan, coordinate and execute all aspects of the shul's annual dinner

Specifics: Determine honorees, secure venue, make all catering and decorating arrangements, organize entertainment and tribute program, promote and the keep running tally of number of attendees and revenue.


Dinner Journal - Chair: Avi Goldberg

Purpose: Coordinate all aspects of virtual Journal in conjunction with annual dinner.

Specifics: Solicit journal ads. hard copy/virtual journal


Events - Chair: Moshe Rosner

Purpose: Plan, coordinate and execute shul events

Specifics: Develop, schedule, promote and execute social and entertainment events for the membership.


Facilities - Chair: Harold Biller & Jesse Rosenbaum

Purpose: Oversee the overall operation of the YIJE building to ensure everything is kept in good repair. 

Specifics: Ensure facility is being cleaned and properly maintained by maintenance staff, prepare and monitor schedule of inspections to take place as needed, Determine need for improvement projects and propose these to Board and/or membership as needed and required.


Finance - Chair: Sid Itzkowitz

Purpose: Provide financial oversight to ensure the shul's finances are managed in a fiscally responsible manner

Specifics: Prepare and monitor operating budget, provide financial updates at Board meetings, make recommendations to the Board regarding financial policies and procedures, oversee management of accounts payable and accounts receivable.


Food Service - Chair: Marty Pasternak

Purpose: Coordinate weekly Shabbat kiddush and shalosh seudot as well as food service at shul-wide events throughout the year as needed.

Specifics: Solicit sponsors for weekly shalosh seudot and kiddush, coordinate with outside caterer/vendor for delivery of food and beverages, arrange for set-up of events.


Fundraising - Chair: Susan Kass

Purpose: Increase YIJE revenue by utilizing new and creative fundraising methods.

Specifics: Develop fundraising strategy, including planning, marketing and execution of all fundraising events and activity.


Gemillat Chesed - Chair: Chani Zahtz, Lois Weintraub

Purpose: Aid and support members during times of joy and crisis.

Specifics: Assist with preparing member's house for shiva, coordinate arrangement of meals for shiva families or families with a new baby.


High Holiday Seating - Chair: Jerry King Co-Chairs: Mordy Branwein, Marty Pasternak

Purpose: Coordinate the sale of seats, and arrangement of seating preferences of the shul members

Specifics: Determine seating needs based on form submissions, develop seating plan and layout for all High Holiday minyanim.


Housing – Chairs: Michael Reichwald, Yael Schreiber

Purpose: To assist prospective members in learning about Jamaica Estates and our shul.

Specifics: keep a listing of houses for rent and for sale and connect prospective members with home sellers and landlords.

Investigations - Chair: Adam Orlow

Purpose: Investigate any allegations of Discrimination, Abuse/Assault or Harassment

Specifics: This committee is mandated by the YIJE Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and would be activated in response to any allegation alleged to have taken place on YIJE grounds, at YIJE activities/events or involving YIJE employees. The committee consists of three to five people, including one attorney, one mental health professional and the Rabbi.


Israel Action Committee – Chair: Janna Herskowitz

Purpose: To facilitate Israel related advocacy programming and events.

Specifics: This committee is dedicated to increase internal and external education related to Israel advocacy as well as encourage and facilitate the participation of YIJE members at Israel advocacy events and rallies in the greater community.


Liaison Committee - Chair: Jay Lisker

Purpose: Acts as liaison between the membership and the Rabbi, or vice versa.

Specifics: Provide a sounding board so issues of concern can be raised in a managed fashion without the sender or recipient feeling uncomfortable and offer recommendations to all parties.


Membership - Chair: 

Purpose: To foster, encourage and solicit new members.

Specifics: Reach out to prospective members to ascertain their spiritual and social needs/preferences, promote membership benefits by highlighting shul activities and programming based on their feedback, develop/update membership packet.


Nominating Committee - Chair: Jay Lehon

Purpose: Recruit shul members to serve on the Board of Directors

Specifics: Devise list of potential candidates, contact potential members to determine interest, nominate annual slate of Board candidates for a membership vote.


Nursery School Liaison - Chair: Jerry King

Purpose: Act as liaison between the shul and the nursery school

Specifics: Secure agreement between shul and nursery school, communicate with nursery school director as needed to discuss issues/questions that arise during the year.


Purim Committee - Chair: Ariella Levine

Purpose: Sisterhood committee to plan, coordinate and execute all aspects of shul Mishloach Manot

Specifics: Develop thematic ideas for mishloach manot, purchase necessary items, write accompanying letter/poem, schedule packing day and recruit volunteers to help.


Ritual - Chair: Mark Bienstock

Purpose: Working with the Rabbi to provide services that meet the religious and spiritual needs of the shul members.

Specifics: Plan and coordinate day to day and, weekly shabbat, as well as holiday services and associated calendar. Provide ritual assistance on Shabbat/holidays and other days as needed, care for ritual objects and siddurim, coordinate the team of Gabbaim for selection of chazan, aliyot, kriyat hartorah and all other ritual honors.


Security - Chair: Eylan Schulman

Purpose: Oversee all aspects of security ensuring a safe and secure environment for all.

Specifics: Contract with security company, arrange for hired security staff on Shabbat and other days as needed throughout the year, arrange for volunteers to assist with security needs on Shabbat and other times as needed. Research and recommend any security related capital improvements.


Shiva Logistics - Chair: Eylan Schulman

Purpose: Assist shiva family with all logistical material needs

Specifics: Arrange for delivery and removal of chair(s) for mourners and shiva visitorsas well as siddurim, sefer Torah and Aron Kodesh if needed.


Welcoming - Chair: Miriam Lerner

Purpose: Welcome new families to the community

Specifics: Visit new families and provide hospitality package, arrange for community families to host new families for lunch during their first weeks in the community, provide new family contact information to shul President, as well as Membership Chair and Youth Director so they can reach out regarding shul/youth engagement opportunities.


Yartzeit Plaques - Chair: Harold Biller

Purpose: Care for and facilitate the memorial boards.

Specifics: Arrange for the fabrication of memorial plaques when ordered by members and arrange for the lighting of memorial plaques to coincide with Yartzzeits and on all Yizkor holidays.


Youth Department - Chair: Adam Orlow

Purpose: Develop and execute youth programming that meets the needs of the children,  teens and college students both within the shul and the community at large.

Specifics: Hire and work with a youth Director to develop and run regular weekly Shabbat programming, special events, athletic teams and leagues, Holiday programming and family programming.


Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785