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High Holiday Seats 2024

All members, please login (top right corner) before placing your order.

Please choose the number of seats for each category in the minyan you wish to reserve a place in.

Include your email and phone number as well.

Seating prices for all Minyanim are:
$150 for adults
$120 for children
$225 for non-members in Main Sanctuary or Simcha Room.

Please note: The child category is for unmarried children who are below the age of 22.

Please provide your best phone number so we may contact you

Main Sanctuary

Unmarried children under 22.

Unmarried children under 22.

Indicate number of male/female in additional info box at bottom of form

Simcha Room

Unmarried children under 22.

Unmarried children under 22.

Sefardi Minyan (Banquet Room)

Unmarried children under 22.

Unmarried children under 22.

Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Yizkor Appeals

Please enter a dollar amount for the Kol Nidre appeal (for shul operating expenses)

Please enter a dollar amount for the Yom Kippur Yizkor appeal (Rabbi's tzeddaka fund)

Please add any information that you think will be helpful.

Thu, October 3 2024 1 Tishrei 5785