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Pesach Appeals 2023

Pesach  Appeals
Members, please login (top right corner) before completing this form.
Please enter your pledge for the Maot Chitim appeal. These funds will be used to help persons in need for Pesach in the U.S., Israel and Ukraine.

Please enter your pledge for the Pesach Yizkor Appeal. Theses funds are for the shul's operating expenses.


28th March, 2023
7th Adar II, 5782

Dear Friends,
This coming Shabbat will be Shabbat Zachor on which, each year, we as a community turn our attention to those most in need. And this year, the need is great.
As we continue to recover from the blows that the pandemic has dealt us all, many are continuing to struggle to make ends meet, and have turned to us for help at this time. Calls have already come into the shul asking that we remember them as we prepare for Pesach this year.
So we ask you, from the bottom of our hearts, to respond with as much generosity as you can muster—knowing that every penny will bring relief to people in dire need, and the more that we collect the more people we can help.
May our prayers be received, our charity provide healing, and our collective dreams come to be. As we approach Purim and then Pesach, may the world be blessed with liberty and peace.
Yours, as always,

Rabbi Dr. Dov Lerner, Mara D'Atra
Jon Kramer, Appeals Committee Chairman
Dror Rosenfeld, President

Thu, October 3 2024 1 Tishrei 5785