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Yom Kippur Appeals 2024

High Holiday Appeals
All members, please login (top right corner) before completing this form.
Please enter your pledge for the Kol Nidre appeal. Theses funds are for the shul's operating expenses.

Please enter your pledge for Yom Kippur Yizkor. These funds are for the Rabbi's discretionary fund to help persons in need.


Dear Friends,

Each year on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we focus our attention and direct our energy to Tefilla, Teshuva and Tzeddaka. We join together in Shul in Tefilla, we pursue our individual and communal course of Teshuva, and we contribute funds to Tzeddaka.

At the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates, as a community, we devote the "Kol Nidre Appeal" to the Shul's operation and the "Yizkor Appeal" to the Gemillat Chessed (Loan and Tzeddaka) Fund. The monetary contributions we make at this time demonstrate our gratitude to Hashem for His past blessings, and recognition of our responsibility to share these blessings with the community at large and to individuals in need.

The reality is that membership dues do not cover even one third of our operating expenses. The Kol Nidre Appeal is typically the Shul's single largest appeal. Accordingly, its success is critical to the Shul's financial well-being.  YIJE is the central community center and core of our wonderful neighborhood and continues to be a central part of our spiritual growth. It can only flourish, however, with financial support from all of us.

Separately, The Yom Kippur Yizkor Appeal is the only fundraiser for the Gemillat Chessed Fund, which enables the Rabbi to discreetly help those in need.

In the spirit of elevating the spiritual level of our tefillah on Kol Nidre night and throughout the Yamim Noraim, we would once again like to have successful but silent appeals. In keeping with our past policy, if the advance response is sufficient, then open appeals will not take place. We are therefore asking for your assistance in formulating your pledges, and responding as quickly as possible.

Contributions for both appeals can be made using this form. Alternatively, you may mail in your contribution, call the office at any time (even during non-business hours) and leave a message for Dora, or e-mail to

For more information about High Holiday seating this year, please click here.

Thank you in advance, and may we all enjoy health and happiness in the coming year.

כתיבה וחתימה טובה!

Respectfully ,

Rabbi Dr. Dov Lerner, Mara D'Atra
Dror Rosenfeld, President
for the Appeals Committee
and the Board of Directors

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785